martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Tonigth show:Lizzie McGuire

 November 29, 2011.

Hi, im Jay Leno,the presenter of tonigth show, the most famus late-nigth show in united states, i write to you, because i want to invite you to my program, the people love you,  and for me , will be a honor if  you come to my show.

If you decid to come, i ask a favor for you, i want you to talk about your summer, i listen that you were in a summer camp, and there happen so many and crazy things. Things like that your mom, went with you to the camp,what do you feel about that? Your friends  disturbed you for that? Did she shame you?, i think that this would be a good question, because, is obvius that you have so many storys, you write a book of this,and is so good.

But your problem in the summer, was not only with your mom, also, with your future boyfriend, and with your bestfriend boy, that you dicover that was inlove with you.In a teenage life, that are a hard problems, and your friend Miranda, was the best support to you in this momment, but what did she for help you?since what time do you know she?, if i could, i would invite her to this amazing show, are you agree with this?
In conclusion if you can return the time, you decied go or not  to the camp?

I think that with this, you can tell us for what reason do you decied to write the book, and also, why is called a total hottie summer? i know that is because in only one summer, the changes in your life were so big, and because your ex bestfriend, started to try to keep of your boyfriend, but can you please, explain that in a form for a little kids can see the show?.

If you say yes to come,please can you please bring your doll that is iqual to you?, that is good for kids, they like that, and is a good form to show to the audience, that the conscience is important, and the mind also to, you have tu used, for a real important moments, sorry, if you think that this is bad, but if we see your book  superficial, is so frivolous, and not good, but we have to think in the impact that leaves in the little childrens, responsability, love, and stablish priorities.

Please, come hear, your a big example, because your a teenage, that reach your goals, all the persons have tu do that.
Thanks  you for the atention, see you latter.
Jay Lenon, NBCs.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

Good afternoon Howarts!

Interviwer:Hi students,muggles and magicians people of howarts, today we are going to intervew Hermione Granger, a beutiful student, she is in second year, and today she is going to tell us, how was the experece of the pass year, why is her so especial?because she passed the year investigating, and doing wear things, why? coming soon, she is going to answer this and other interesting questions, stay here.
Interviwer:Hi Hermione, is amezing for us have you here, now, please, tell us, how you fell when you now that youre a witch, and youre going to Howarts?
Hermione:when i now that im a witch, i was scared but, one second latter i think IS AMAZING! and since that moment, i started to read, and practize , when i arrived in Howarts, all that i see was magical, and at the same time, i known with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, my best friends, my brothers a big part of mi life.
Interviwer:why do you feel that for your friends? in the corridors the people rumored that you have a romance with one of both!
Hermione:that is a complety LIE! i love them but are my friends, ok ok, topic clear ,i feel that for my friends, because the last year, i lived with them, different and weird succes, but that succes, did that i grow up, that my friendship with them grew, and i become a better witch :¡.
Interviwer:waht weird succes happened to us?
Hermione: MILLIONS, but all of them, turn arraund, protect harry, and discovered where was voldemort and what he wants to do for kill harry, this time, voldemort want the philosophar stone, because that special stone, revive him.
Interviwer: Thats amazing, but at the same time dangerous, now, what of that specially succes was the most scary?
Hermmione: two succes was the most scary, one in the dark forest, we went there in the middle of the nigth like a punished, Harry, Ron, Hagrid, Draco and i, where there, and we hear a weir sound, when we turned back, something dark where upside of an unicorne, and that dark thing, was drinking his blood, and in one second thar dark thing, jumped in harry! i scream, but i cant do something, but after that, a centaur appear, and the dark thing dessapear that is one, and the second, was when i see, how the teacher of  dark arts, put away his turbant, and behind hishead, had two eyes and a mouth, but no nose, that was so scary and desgasting!
Interviwer: and why voldemort is bad, what bad have to drink unicorn blood?
Hermione:voldemort is the worse of the worse,he kill all the ·half blood (witches with out magician parents) and im one of that half blood, and all the people like he wants to kill me!,he kills the parents of harry, and he wants to kill harry , because,voldemort throw the spell unforgugable(that kill people),and that speel didnt kill harry, but destroyed him (voldemort), and the blood of unicorn give yo more vitality but your life, reduce a half.
Interviwer:Do you now why harry potter survive, and how he fell all his life without parents?
Hermione:harry survives, because his mom did an spleel in him  that protected him, and if voldemort touch him, voldemort die, and when voldemort did that , he didnt die, but  end so hurt,huum that is personal, but if i say something i would say, that now he is nowing him in the trhut side, all his life, life a lie, hi lived with his uncles, and they always hidding the trhut becuase they hate him.
.Interviwer: do you like the house that the sorting hat choose for you, do you think that you belong there?
Hermione: i sure, i belong there, the people say that i belong to hafflepuff, but no, because they dont have the tipe of encourage that we have, also, i dont now who i am away from harry and ron.and i like the action, the intrigues and misteryes, i like to learn, investigate, and resolve questions.
Interviwer:what do you have to say to us of dumbledore?and also, his relation with harry?
Hermione:so, dumbledore is an amazing director, he is full of culture, he is an amazing person, he is one of the best magicians in the world, also is an exellent person, he understand everything and everyone,he always is there for you, is wise, and in hislife, he has passed for a real bad problems, and his relation with harry, i know a little abaut their relation, dumbledore want to protect him, and he always is with him.
Interviwer:what do you think about the elves?
Hermione: i think, that the people underestimate, for that reason i create P.E.D.O., an association that protect them , i think that they have the iqual power , and they should have the same rigths that we, the magic people have, i think that elves like dobby, are more important than people like draco malfoy.
.interviwe:and for end Hermione what do you think abaut youre future?
Hermione: i think, or i wish, be sucessful, travel for all the world, but always learning new things,knowing new people, but always, carried my famili and friends in the heart, i dont wanted to get married, or have any kids, i want to be independent, and eat all that i want(in the en of the saga of harry potter, she is married with ron, and have 3 kids).

thanks you hermione, thanks for all the muggles (people unmagic) and all the magicians, and a special hello for priscilla,watch us, or read us the next episode with lionel messi, the short but sexy man in the whole world..

martes, 2 de agosto de 2011

trip to IRELAND!

Is amazing, , exotic,diferent , but totaly beautifull, and delicius, the ireland food is delicius!!! here, im going to show you the popular foods that they eat everyday, the irish food, is fatty,and they always drink beer, no matter if is breakfast or lunch, they LOVE beer.

1st Day:
Breakfast: Ulster fry (Eggs,fried bacon,sausages,potato bread,and fried mushrooms)and orange juice.
Lunch:Irish Stew(baked oysters, with sheep,onions and parsley and potateos) with Bulmers, an Irish cider. 
Snack: A shepard pie(is a lamb meat, cut in little peaces, and coated by a mashed potatoes,and this baked) with guinnes, a delicius irish beer. 
Dinner:Dublín Coddle(Is a delicius soup, with sausages and ham, seasoned with potatoes and onions) with  campari, a "bitter", other drink in Ireland.

2ed Day:
Breakfast: That they i have to eat quickly, and i eat, a potatoe bread, with honey, and a irish cofee( coffe, with whisky and cream).
Lunch:Mushroom Soup(a sweet soup,HOT,with cream and mushrooms and potatoe)with schweppes, one of the best Irish beers.
Snack:Oysters sandwich with limon and coca cola.
Dinner:cooked ham (sassoned with brown sugar and butter) with Murphis, a black beer.

3th Day:
Breakfast:Smoked Salmon(is delicius and fresh, and is with blades mint)and oranje juice with honey.
Lunch:Lamb cutlet keerry(the best lambs in Ireland, with jelly) and with a cold killkenny(beer)
Snack: manchengo cheese(a milk sheep cheese) with potatoe bread and coca cola.
Dinner:canapes of salmon and dehydrated tomatoeand pale ale, a green beer, tipic of the orosh party" st patrcks day".

Breakfast: beef lasagna (with a sweet salsa)and an Irish Coffe.
Lunch:North salad(lettucce, salmon,tomatoe,potatoe, and mozarella chesse)
Snack:cheese cake(a delicius cake, with chocolate and  berries)With a vanilla milkshake.
Dinner: cortijeron rice (its like a paella, but with cheese in the top)with phoenix beer.

breakfast :colcanon, (potatoes, with mil and col) and an orange juice(but with whisky)
Lunch:Rabbit with mustard( a cooked rabit, shower in mustard, with carriots and potatoes ) and Kaliber, a green beer!
Snack:a lamb salami with limon, parsley and mint, and a gas watter.
Dinner:roastes mussles,with cream potatoes and parsley. with a guiness beer green.

Breakfast:eggs with salmon(they love sea food, and love too, the extrange convinations of food)
Lunch:Bacon with col(a fried bacon, with a procees col and onions) with bushmills, the greatest whisky in Ireland.
Snack:i cant eat this, because i was in the airoport, waiting the avianca plain-
Dinner: pasta, this is was in the plane, pasta with chiken and a white salsa, with COLOMBIANA:).

martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Casting for the new movie, the amazing storie of POCAHONTAS!

Hi everyone, today, dreamworks, call for the next persons, for protagonizate the new movie, POCAHONTAS!today we only gonna say, 6 principal persons that we want to protagoniize this amazing movie.
1. Pocahontas  ,she is an amazing person, is happines, is the princess of her tribe, she is noble,has a free spirit,always offer help for who need,for her age is so wise, is joung and beautiful, moreover, loves the adventure and nature, for that features, we chose for this paper to JULIANA RINCON.
2. Grandmother willow,   is the inconditional support of pocahontas, she gives perfect tips to pocahontas in her bad moments ,is the most wise, and is a perfect "friend", has an indispensable paper in this movie, but  in spite,is a tree, and for this paper i chose , MANUELA TELLEZ.
3.Jhonn Smith  ,is a handsome boy, is one of the best soldiers , is loyal, obedient,and strong, he likes the adventure and the forbiden, he likes explorer and write. and for this paper we chose , MIGUEL ANGEL HENAO.
4. thomas,   he is one of the best friends of john, and with him, was one of the first soldiers that  step the floor of the americans, was inocent, submissive, good friend,and loyal, for this caracteristics we chose NICOLAS OCAMPO for this important paper.
5. Kokum,  is a strong, loyal, handsome for a some of them, serious,brave warrior, but most than anything he is honest, and according to his father, the best pretendent for her. RAFAEL MORALES.
6.Powanta Chief  ,agile and strong,tall and big, very authoritarian,is just, but had no compassion, his tribe fell fear and big adoration for him, all that he want , in seconds, is do , is a good  chief, and loves her daugther, she is the unique family that he have, he protecs her, and only want the better future for she and his tribe, for that reason we chose JUAN MANUEL NARANJO.
this is all for today, thanks for your atention.and CONGRATULATIONS!

sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

scrooge interview !(book report 5)

December 25.
Good morning and happy christmas , viwers today we have  a Evenizer Scrooge, that want to tell us his christmas night.
Interviwer: Hi  mr.scrooge, how are you?
Scrooge:So good , thank you!
Interviwer:And why are you so good?
Scrooge:because, after a long time, finally  i found the  really signifícate of chritmas, before this experence, i was different, i hate peopple, the only thing that was important for me , was Money, i work for mony, and my life depended of the Money, if i dont had Money, i cant be happy, rather, i never was happy, but now, i know that i can found the happines , in Little acts.
Interviwer: What experence did that you change your mind?
Scrooge:In the christmas night, oo my gad, was magical, but at the same time scary, three  espirits visit my room, was amazing, and that  situation, change my mind, and i fall in my mind, and think in my  Little family, in my town, in my world, and the spirits, made that my thinkins change.
Interviwer: who spirists visit you in the nigth scrooge?
Scrooge: In the nigth was 3 spirits, the spirit of the pass, the present and the future. The three spirits was so diferent, but with them i travel  and fly, but my pass was the worse, i did many mistakes , but pass is pass and i can change my future.
Interviwer: And the presnet and future spirits what  did you?
Scrooge:The  present spirit, was fat and he had the happiness in the eyes, eat , eat , and eat, he take me to the town, and show me how the poor people can enjoed the christmas only with food and the company of the family, and the future spirit, show me …something bad…the spirit showme that if i die, my littles family, would be happy, more happy, the general town, would be in better conditions without me. And that thing made that i think some things.
Interviwer:What things?
Scrooge: in that experence i learn that if i help the humans with my Money, that if i change my self and become in a better person, my future would be better, the childes life would be better, all  could improbe, since the orfanate childs,until my own life and my family life, if all the people do a Little change, the world cpuld be happy and can be in peace for christmas and for the complete life.
interviwer: Scrooge, are you going to help the orphanato tody?
Scrooge:if you did me that cuestion one day a go, i say you no, that is a wasteful of money, a little childrens , sicks,and ugly, dont deserve my money, i a poor person, but after this nigth i say you YES, that little childrens are our future, our hope, i going to help that kids, and i going to do all that i can for they be happy!
Interviwer:Why you dont like christmas?
Scrooge:because since my best friend die(marley), i became a bad person, my life change, and my objectives was only money money and more money, but i never do nothing with that money, i was stingy,i never talk with my small family, i never talk with any one, i think in my pass and i hate me!!!.
Interviewer:and what are you going to do with your little family?
Scrooge:im was in way to them, im going to surprise them, i going to buy a big duck, with champagne and candies for the childrens, and i going to propose that, if i could life in their house, and i help them economicly and i  give work to my cousin.ii can give to the chilkdrens of my cousin, pay them school, and give all the love that i can .
interviewer:you considered that all the persons have a second oportunituy ?
Scrooge:That is a obuse answer, ALWAYS YES!,if second oportunities doesnt exist, now, i would be with ades, rotting in the hell, for that reason im agree with this phrase "the hell is empty, all the devils are here"and i hate say this , but i am a devil, but i have a second chance, and that make me happy!
interviewer:is difficult be happy?
Scrooge:No, all the world have to be happy, because the life is a  award, your a winner for stay here, in the bad and good times, the positive energies are the most important,if you fell good with your life, you  atraact good things for you, good oportunities , and a good times, christmas is a time to share in family!
!FOR THAT REASON, BE HAPPY!!! AND happy christmas!!

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

napoleon dynamite!

this is a very bad comedy movie, but have something good, this movie show,  the class of person that we be,all the world is different, in this planet since ugly people until beutifull persons, since good persons, until the worse persons that yo see in your life , but your happines is your own responsability, your self-steem depence only on you,for example the protagonist of the movie, was ugly and was one class of "nerd"but he never have fear in what other persons think of he , he only enjoed his life in his way.
i dont identify my self in the movie, but going to take a Napoleon, the movie was better, if in the end, he had a extreme change, and he change and  become to a super hot boy, and end in a kiss with thw photografer girl, but in the movie, he has a good roll, he love dance, and the people like when he dance,and he was strong, because life with that brother and uncle, never is gonna be easy.
in summary, the movie have good topic, but is soo slowly, and DONT HAVE MUSIC, music is the most important think in the movie, and my favorite part is when he dance infront of all the not the best comedy movie, but is no the wrse.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Libyan City Buries Its Attackers Respectfully

i think is horrible how far can a person go with an adiction,not just drugs or alcohol,there is addiction to power too,such as gadafi,that in this case is not just ending with his social image but he is doin a several damage to his country provocating rivalries that could last until decadesbecause war is not only weapons, there are ideal involved that separates the countries and the communities
because of the difference of thoughts and ideals and getting involved in an conflict in order to defend what they think is righ and that can cause faming,war,poberty for years.
New York Times,